日期: 2010-06-15




我們以香樹(因運送香樹[木沉香]而得名)及漁業代表香港仔的歷史,而漁業及魚蛋粉則突顯香港仔生活化的一面。我們又以著名的海洋公園    (纜車、熱氣球、海洋動物及熊貓)及珍寶海鮮坊帶出香港仔的「旅遊大使身份」,突顯其歡樂及好客之道;連貫三件作品的更加有不可與南區分割的海。

-Characteristics of the work
Southern District is a diversified place. This creation mainly bases on the idea of “the origin of Hong Kong—— Aberdeen” to innovate.
Algum and fishery are the symbolic signs to represent the history of Aberdeen. Traditional fishery and delicious fish balls are best to outline the livelihood of Aberdeen. Well-known Ocean Park (cable car, hot balloon, marine animal and panda) and magnificent Jumbo kingdom serve as Aberdeen tourist ambassador to spread the joyful atmosphere everywhere and give a cordial welcome to the guests. To connect the three creative works, sea cannot be neglected to represent our Southerrn District.



The composition and colour of the logo are simple, blue and waves are used to represent seas, leaves across the waves comprise the history, soup noodles with fish balls as well as dolphins (light-coloured part) highlight the abbreviation of Southern District “SD”.




Abstract way is used to present the idea in making the sculpture. The letters “S” and “D” are used to link with different characteristics of Aberdeen. Beach is the basic foundation of the creative work, the wire-made three dimensional hands represent the idea of being devoted to the society in order to make Aberdeen becomes a sustainable district.


The poster depicts the nightfall of Aberdeen typhoon shelter and shows the beautiful scenery of Jumbo Kingdom after the lights’ on. We use personification to act out some symbolic animals in Ocean Park. We use various colour and plentiful pictures to represent the peaceful and joyful nature of Southern District.


四智﹕霍琛翹 、吳其澔、周麗翹、梁曉瑜