2018-2019 English Drama Competition

English Drama Competition

2018-2019 English Drama Competition
2D students created some amazing costumes for their performance 3D students are ending their performance with a lovely song
Are these animals trying to get on the tram Can you see who the alien is in 3D’s performance of Alien Friend
Look at these cute cows! Rapunzel is looking for someone to save her in Hong Kong
Seems like they are having fun at their party! Students are getting ready for the drama competition
Students are having fun performing their story The aliens are enjoying their trip in Hong Kong
The dolphins in Ocean Park are so talented! The fisherman meets the mermaid in Class 3B’s performance
The pandas aren’t too happy at Ocean Park The snacks look very yummy!
Their stone soup smells really good! These pandas are so cute!
These students are taking us to Lai Chi Kok Amusement park in their performance These students took the audience to the Peak